Thursday, January 29, 2009

Light Bulbs and Paint, Oh My!

Hey World,
This is Marquita, just checking in to report on my light bulb promise. This was actually a little harder to get right than I thought! I did go and stock up on compact fluorescents and have begun replacing them in my home. I found that they look different. Some seem brighter, some seem dimmer, and the cost is big at the start and pays off in the end. I am following through on my promise, but may need to make another trip to have the type of light I want in each area!
Hum, this sounds like some relationships I've been in. Oh wait, that's my other blog.
The other thing I did while buying my new light bulbs was to buy paint for my guest room. This was another place where it was easy to find a way to help the environment. Instead of buying the usual brand of paint I get, I opted for a brand that has no VOCs, which stands for Volatile Organic Compounds. These are gases made up of things like aldehydes and ketones.
So by buying paint without them, not only will I not pollute the atmosphere, I will keep myself and others safe from being gassed at home!
I would love to hear how the rest of you are doing as we brave this new world of change and better options for living.
Peace and Love,

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